Blood Chemistry Analysis & Nutrition and Diet Plan

Assessment of Medical Health History

Assessment in Metabolic and Endocrine Testing,
Food Sensitivity, & Neurotransmitter Testing

2 Hour Grocery Tour


Providing Real Solutions to Real Health Problems

Clinical testing will reveal nutrient deficiency, potential disease risk factors, toxic exposure, liver functioning for detoxification, immune strengthening and support, chronic inflammation, free radicals and oxidative stress, acid/alkaline blood chemistry, connective tissue degeneration, free calcium excess, and anaerobic metabolism.

At Optimal Wellness Solutions, you will learn physical fitness from the inside out. You will learn to achieve balance in your organ systems at the cellular level, speed recovery after surgery, lose weight and keep it off, change lifestyle habits, balance hormones safely and effectively, and detoxify the body naturally.

Nutritional Services Offered

Blood Chemistry Analysis & Nutrition and Diet Plan

Everyone should have their blood chemistry evaluated and analyze at least once to see what may be “coming down the pike.” Knowledge is Power!

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Assessment in Medical Health History

I review medical questionnaires including health assessment, metabolic assessment and neurotransmitter assessment along with the blood chemistry.

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Assessment in Metabolic and Endocrine Testing, Food Sensitivity, & Neurotransmitter Testing

Using the different testing protocols, I am able to effectively provide real solutions to real health concerns.

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2 Hour Grocery Tour

I make grocery shopping fun! You will learn how to eat, what to eat, new recipes, what GMO foods are, and what foods have gluten-protein.

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Optimal Wellness Solutions, LLC