Eating and Exercising For the Different Blood Types

This topic is in conjunction with last month’s article on “Exercising for the Different Body Types.” 

The premise to eat for your blood type is two-fold. By eating for your type, one will boost the immune system avoiding virus, infection and disease and secondly, the body rids itself of toxins and fats creating permanent weight loss.

There are four different blood types—the “O” blood, the “A” blood, the “B” blood and the “AB” blood type. The “O” blood type is the oldest and most common. The evolution of each is simple. The “O” blood type retains the memory of ancient times when there was the hunter and gatherer thus having a meat eater diet. The “A” blood type, the first vegetarian and the second type to evolve, responds best to soy (vegetable) proteins. The “B” blood type joins together divergent people and cultures and is similar to the “O” blood type. The “AB” blood type is the modern merging between the “A” and the “B” blood types.

When looking at each blood type, there are many defining characteristics to describe each. The “O” blood type thrives on intense physical activity and animal protein. Type “O” metabolizes more efficiently with animal protein and fat to keep a leaner and healthier look. Type “O” does not metabolize well with starchy carbohydrates. Choose fruits and vegetables as well as lean meats to create balance and great health. Choose exercises that will burn calories at a higher intensity to include the Stairmaster, martial arts, in-line skating, cycling and weight training.

Unlike Type “O”, the “A” blood type has a sensitive digestive tract. Type “A” requires agrarian diet to stay lean and productive and responds best to stress with bouts of calming action with physical activity. Type “A” metabolizes more efficiently with vegetable protein and carbohydrates. Choose foods low in fat and eliminate all processed foods to stay lean and energetic. Choose exercises that do not require high energy consumption to include Tai Chi, yoga, golf, swimming and brisk walking.

The “B” blood type has the most flexible dietary choices. Unlike the “O” and “A” blood types, the “B” blood type diet allows more dairy in the diet allowing greater diversity with food choices. Type “B” is more sensitive to a drop in blood sugar and needs to pay attention to the foods consumed. The gluten in wheat is the cause for weight gain because wheat is not efficiently digested and burned as fuel creating a slower metabolism and stored fat. This is true for all blood types. Type “B” requires a balance between physical and mental activity to stay lean and sharp. An individual may alternate between more intense physical activity and relaxation exercises such as weight training, yoga, cycling, tennis, golf and calisthenics.

The last blood type being an evolutionary mystery combines the characteristics of both the “A” and “B” blood types. The “AB” blood has a sensitive digestive tract, but an overly tolerant immune system. Red meat promotes weight gain whereas seafood, soy protein and dairy encourages weight loss. The “AB” blood type is often stronger and more active and responds best to stress spiritually and creatively. Choose exercise such as Tai Chi, Aikido, dance, aerobics, stretching and swimming.

Eating and exercising for your blood type is the key to optimal health. I recommend Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s book, EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE. I wish all of you the very best in your journey to achieving perfect health! Good Luck!

Kelly Calabrese MS, CCN is a Biochemical Nutritionist working with individuals on getting to the root cause of health disorders. If you have any questions, contact her at 719-590-9879 or fitfocus@qwestoffice,net. Her website is

Optimal Wellness Solutions, LLC