Unfortunately, many Americans don’t get the vitamins and minerals they need. Common areas where people are lacking include vitamin C, magnesium, and fiber. Calcium is another common culprit: It’s responsible for helping you to grow strong teeth and The most important factor in enjoying a happy retirement is good health. One survey suggests that seniors value this even more than financial security in their golden years: 81 percent of respondents marked health as the biggest impact on happiness in retirement. That said, mental and physical well-being isn’t a given — it requires an investment of time and effort on your part. Find out how you can stay healthy in your later years with the below tips. From nutrition to preventive care, these resources have you covered from head to toe.
Start Getting Serious About Your Diet
Food is your body’s fuel and gives you the energy you need to make the most of every day. A healthy balance of vegetables, gruits, grains, dairy, and protein will keep you functioning ideally. To make eating healthy more fun, learn to cook some tasty but nutritious dishes. Now that you’re retired, you can take the time to enjoy whipping up a meal. Look up senior-friendly recipes and master your favorites. Possibilities include everything from tapenade and spinach pasta to a grilled turkey sandwich.
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Take a Multivitamin to Supplement Your Diet
Unfortunately, many Americans don’t get the vitamins and minerals they need. Common areas where people are lacking include vitamin C, magnesium, and fiber. Calcium is another common culprit: It’s responsible for helping you to grow strong teeth and bones, yet 40 percent of Americans don’t get enough of it. Even if you pay attention to your diet, you won’t necessarily get all of these nutrients from what you eat. A multivitamin is one solution. There are special formulas tailored especially to the needs of seniors and you can even get discounted “store brand” versions from popular retailers like Walgreens. Your doctor can also determine what nutrients you’re lacking through a simple blood test, and provide recommendations on an appropriate multivitamin.
Invest in Preventive Healthcare
Preventive healthcare refers to taking steps to keep yourself from getting sick in the first place. An annual wellness visit to your primary care provider is one important step. They will check characteristics like blood pressure and cholesterol, which are indicators of future potential illnesses like stroke and heart disease. Preventive care screenings are often also covered by Medicare. Learning how to take advantage of Medicare can benefit you in many ways; for example, certain types of plans also provide vision and dental coverage.
Don’t Forget to Address Mental Health
Your health and happiness as a senior aren’t reliant only on physical well-being. It’s also imperative to pay attention to your mental health. Depression can occur in seniors, especially if they are feeling isolated and lonely — for instance, following the death of a spouse. If you recognize the symptoms, such as persistent feelings of sadness, fatigue, and decreased energy, consult a mental health professional. There are even online mental health services like BetterHelp, which let you speak with licensed counselors from the comfort of your own home. This is ideal for seniors with mobility issues.
Take Advantage of Assisted Living as Needed
If you reach a point where you are struggling to care for yourself, you may want to consider assisted living. You can get help for everything from preparing food to cleaning, bathing, and more. Look for facilities in your area online and compare prices to see what you should expect to pay. Costs vary widely depending on your specifications. For example, facilities in Colorado typically cost under $50,000 per year.
Taking care of yourself is important at any age. As you get older, however, it’s even more essential to pay attention to your health to avoid age-related illnesses. The above tips give you the information you need to safeguard your well-being.
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