Chelation Therapy

As a society we are becoming more ill each day. We are passing our genetic dispositions onto our offspring. Unless we embrace a program of health promoting strategies designed to prevent biological deterioration, we are headed for chronic disease disaster.

As discussed in previous issues, free radical damage and oxidative stress are the culprits when considering debilitating diseases. Diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis, cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, macular degeneration and chronic fatigue are all directly linked to free radical pathology an underlying factor in degenerative diseases.

The history of chelation goes back to 1893. Swiss researcher, Alfred Werner, developed theories that would later change modern chelation chemistry. The concept of how metals bind to organic molecules would result in the various treatments we have today.

In the 1920’s, chelation was introduced into the industrial manufacturing of paint, rubber and petroleum. Chelation was useful in the separation of specific metals and in electroplating industrial dye. By the 1930’s, chelation was used for stain prevention in the printing of textiles in the form of citric acid.

The navy adopted chelation therapy in the form of EDTA for sailors who were poisoned with lead from painting the ships back in the 1950’s. It was the treatment of choice for anyone who had lead poisoning. By 1980, chelation therapy was well known in the medical arena. This therapy was first used to treat heart disease by an eminent cardiologist and chief researcher at Providence Hospital in Detroit, Michigan.

Chelation therapy improves metabolic function and blood flow by removing toxic metals from the body. The metals are excreted through the kidneys. EDTA, a synthetic amino acid is administered by an intravenous infusiuon. This generic form is used in both heavy metal and heart treatments. There are several forms of EDTA or chelation therapies, today. The two forms I used for heavy metal toxicity were DMPS, intravenous and pills and DMSA in pill form. The length and duration of the treatments are specific to the individual.

Cardiac chelation combines EDTA synergistically with natural chelating agents including certain bioflavonoids, chlorella, cilantro, coenzyme Q10, garlic, aminos—L-cysteine and L-glutathione, lipoic acid, methionine, selenium, sodium alginate and zinc gluconate. The additional nutrients supports both the liver and kidney functions. It is important to remember whether you are chelating heavy metals or cleaning out your arteries, you need to be on an extensive antioxidant supplement program to replace the beneficial vitamins and minerals lost in chelation.

When proper protocols are in place, chelation therapy is a non-invasive and safe therapy for almost every health dysfunction. Working with a licensed medical doctor or D.O. who has great knowledge and experience in this area will benefit the individual. I wish you the very best for optimal health.

Optimal Wellness Solutions, LLC